Sunday, December 4, 2011

turn to your right, go run 2 rounds around the parade square!

seriously, tekan in the last week of army? haha, fun!

yes, this 阿兵哥退伍了!From boy to man.

I remembered that while marching, I felt this sour feeling in me and I was struggling to fight against my tears. Then came the slight drizzle to add a tinge of blue onto our faces, and that blueness sank all the way to our heart. The melancholic marching music beckoned nostalgia to loom before me as I reminisce the key events for the past 2years..

Standing before Ninja company with my duffle bag and waiting for my name to be called.
Falling in for the first time to the training shed to shave my head.
Scared of doing things the wrong way (for what, now I wonder..)
Khairi was really really scary..
Dying at the first 4km march
Lectures to slack in
Seemingly endless AGR
Worrying for my fitness
Heavily dependent on 01 outings to survive weekends

Noob feeling
Lucky to stay near camp
Tattoos, cigarettes, vulgarities, slackers
Going for field camps as routinely as the brushing of teeth
Slacking with friends and hoping not to get caught
Acting smart during NDP in front of civilian girls
Discussing a lot about girls
Going overseas for many days (Wallaby 1)
Understanding why one must be selfish, yet impressed by the selfless minority
Joking a lot more than usual
Attained the pride of getting gold in IPPT
Field camps with civilian food
Guard Duties
Understanding why the more committed you are, the more harm you do to yourself (Wallaby 2)
Free offs

One of the most regrettable things during army was my failure to get into command school. I blame my lack of understanding of the SAF system. Why was I so afraid of army then?? I forgot. I should have been more logical in thinking, that the worst punishment can only be guard duty, not death or whatsoever -.- That fear led to this..

But that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Being a man of Cougar company, I got to be on the receiving end, be it punishment or reward. Compared to commanders, I experienced stress in a much smaller extent. Believe me, it really sucks to be working with the mono, unless I was an officer. Had my sergeants not have this few bunch of selfless people, the whole of platoon 9 would either be quarreling or punished. Thanks noel watay jingyang sam amyas. Thanks kevin zhenghui jingxuan for being understanding enough to follow our friends to do saigang and suffer together. Thanks jeremy for always giving priority to platoon 9 when it comes to armskote. Love you all, and will miss you all. Sergeants and officers also don't get this kind of bonding amongst themselves. Lucky me eh?

I, Corporal Goh, salute myself in the mirror for getting through this shit, learning independence, life lessons, made new friends, and ORD safely! 吃的苦中苦,方为人上人!I sincerely hope that we will still get to meet up.

As proud as a lion, as loud as the colour pink, I screamed, "ORD LO!"


Oh? Why are we able to take a photo of our bunk? Why? Mysterious..

ORD gift from our dear handsome sc yuanwei. Really appreciate his efforts. What a good man he is.

At night, there was an ORD function that looked like army prom! LOL!

xiuquan's favourite pose, an inverted L, not 7

platoon 9 section 2 full team!


smile, sergeant major!

<- alex chan is really fat.fat.fat. Evidently, one can get REALLY out of shape if one slacks...

was supposed to take a photo of sgt darren's signature thunder thigh! argh, i guess johnathan, the photographer, was drunk

After that, went to jingyang's house to play cards. Whooaaa big house man, 3 storeys. Was very tired and woke up with an aching back :( jingyang's brother's superb hospitality left all of us in awe.. drove us to his house, bought breakfast, sent us to mrt station. I wanna have an elder brother!


shopping day with jingx and kokli



super big bowl of udon at waruku. O_O bigger than my head!

Then we met a pretty cashier at provence bread at ION and we were mesmerised *.* No makeup no act cute, natural beauty!

that green lantern ring costs $19 -.-


emo, too free

-super junior mr.simple-

like the smell of my beret, jockey cap and ilbv, these precious memories will linger on

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