Tuesday, October 2, 2012

recess used to be a nicer word

yoz wanna play catching during recess?

or maybe go to the canteen and grab a burger?

Now busy ttm during recess week! Okay before that, I had 2 insane weeks for Oral presentation 1, acc quiz 1, fm presentation, IT presentation. As usual, cui speech. Noob score cos of underestimation. Lousy on the spot fm presentation. IT presentation that failed to bring into effect its intended jokes. Oh well, so many presentations, really. Hope I can get used to this soon. After so many presentations, maybe I'll have fewer presentations after recess week?

haha fat hope.

I still got biz law presentation, acc presentation, OP2, group presentation, fm proj presentation. Most irritating one is fm proj presentation. How can I just be arrowed to present?! My presentation skills so cui, yet they just anyhow gang up and say "your presentation skills most zai". Why? They just wanna push the sai gang away, even though presentation will be graded as well. Cmon, be fair and draw lots la. Selfish asses.

Not only that, whenever I want to clarify sth, they just "aiya, it's just blah blah..." and smoke through the concepts. dont even understand, yet make no attempts to understand. Oversimplifying things to obtain a false peace of mind, and trying to influence others. Even more ass. In short, I dislike my fm group mates ttm.

Okay back to ranting about work. So far still fine, still can finish every single tutorial before class. Hope I can do well for the coming quiz and midterm!


NBS dragonboat! Patrick is a really gone case OG haha. Only a few ppl are left dangling, like the cgls and such. Poor tradition passed down by seniors maybe? Got the come-let's-meet-for-the-sake-of-meeting feel. Oh well, just go and play a bit of gripping tight and stroking hard ;) Quite FUN! As in the sport.haha. Feels like kayaking. And then don't know why they like to mix plankton and patrick tgt when the ppl are really not close to each other. Except the respective cgls, pageant contestants and such. Quite a deterrence to go for their outings when they like to mix strangers around.

I think it's mainly because the guys are not spontaneous. Can just hear a handful shouting for dragonboat only. Shout with me lehhhh. Oh well. Haha, not orientation camp :p

Do my comments about nbs seem negative?? It's not too bad actually, just gotta learn how to mix around! And by mixing around, it means having to keep going for the costly outings but me no time no money to sustain that. The idea of not having a fixed class makes mixing around harder though, cos last time one could eat and chitchat over recess/lunch, but now not that often. Then I always thought "hey am I your friend? cos one min you seem like you are, then at the other, you talk like you got more important friends to entertain". A bit neither here nor there.

So nbs is like full of presentations, hard to get good friends there, selfish ppl all over? Hahahaha nope. I guess I just got the wrong mix of ppl from different cultures, so while I think that they are weird, they might think that I'm weird too. Challenging, but willing to fight! :) 


Maybe gonna have fewer tutees after their exams end! Good and bad, bad that income is decreasing, but time to put more effort in studies! :)

and who is guilty of causing me to smile during tuition?!


 Kokli's birthday! Quite a simple celebration with bpians. Everyone is busy yes. Hope kokli likes and uses his present!


Is it me or do I experience an unusual sharpness? We shall see. I'm pretty capable of being guailan if you want.

As expected... drifting away~




Amidst all the work and troubles, it helps to be chilling with some icy princess! :) hi there~ ah ta >< okay that was funny hahahahaha. And the cheekiness continues, as shrooms shakes her head and jumps around..

Appreciate the constant support :) and through quirky ideas too haha. Cant express enough how delighted and light-hearted every time I get to take chill pills with this silly person :p

Have to make it a point to celebrate special occasions every yr! Makes sense when it's only these few days out of 365days I guess. Just for the feel of it hehe.


Shot me out of the sky
You're my Kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

-one direction  one thing-

like a red traffic light with a stop sign and a dead end in front, I'm walking on air :)

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